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What is GIS?

GIS and Healthcare…


There is no doubt that technology has made a significant impact in the medical world. Perhaps one of the most interesting technologies that has emerged onto the scene is one meant to more efficiently address geographical links to illnesses: Geographic Information Systems, or GIS.


What is GIS | Geographic Information System? GIS is an Abbreviation of Geographical Information System or Geo-spatial Information Systems or Geologic Information Systems (also Geo-spatial database management).  As the name suggests ‘GIS’ is related to geographical information. But before explaining “What is GIS?”, we should know about what Geographic information means? Geographic information is knowledge of where something is and defines the spatial reference of the element or matter present on earth’s surface.


 Geographic information systems are a sophisticated form of mapping software that enables users to visually display input data associated with a designated project. Displaying data visually allows users to see geographical groupings of patient demographic data in a new way. Furthermore, the program allows users to run statistical tests and answer ‘what if’ questions that can arise as a result of direct or indirect changes that take place.


Below are five potential benefits of integrating Geographic Information Systems with healthcare IT.

  1. Identifying Health Trends
  2. Tracking the Spread of Infectious Disease
  3. Utilizing Personal Tech
  4. Incorporating Social Media
  5. Improving Services


Please click here for all the details on the five potential benefits!